I only received part of my order, where’s the rest?
Sometimes our photo lab processes different sizes or styles of pictures separately which results in your order being sent in multiple packages. Please wait another day or two for the others to arrive.
How long do Home Delivery orders take?
7 days is the usual processing time for pictures to arrive via home delivery. Depending on your location you may receive orders in as few as 3 days or as long as 10 days.
Please note: Due to unprecedented demand we are experiencing some delays. Your order will be delivered within 14 days.
Where is my tracking number?
If you have not received your pictures after waiting 7 days, we can track your package for you. Please email us at support@expressphotography.com.au.
Please note: Due to unprecedented demand we are experiencing some delays. Your order will be delivered within 14 days.


How do I know if my order went through?
You will know if your order went through if you went all the way through and order process on the website and got a confirmation that your order has been completed.
How can I get the cheapest prints possible?
Our home delivery offers extremely affordable photo prints and a value for the high quality of the prints you will receive.
How can I track my home delivery order?
Please email us your Express Photography order # to get the status of your home delivery order shipment. This is noted in the automatic email after you placed your order. Typically is takes approximately 7-10 business days for pictures to arrive via home delivery.
Please note: Due to unprecedented demand we are experiencing some delays. Your order will be delivered within 14 days.
I’m having problems with Express Photography, what can I try?

Sometimes the simplest answers are best. Try the following:

  • Performance of Express Photography and photo upload speed is heavily dependent on your internet connection. Check to make sure you have a good WiFi connection and try again.
  • Try reducing the number of pictures you are uploading to optimize performance. For instance try uploading 2 or 3 pictures and see if you are still having issues.
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